An expert in the field of cognitive therapy presents a six-week program designed to help readers stick with their diet, lose weight, and keep the weight off for a lifetime, explaining how to use the principles and techniques of cognitive therapy to eliminate negative thinking patterns and behaviors [...]
Bestselling author and weight-loss expert Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., has inspired thousands of dieters to lose excess weight and keep it off using the power of Cognitive Therapy to prepare the mind and alter habits before starting any diet. Now, for the first time, Dr. Beck outlines the next step: a spe[...]
Designed to build psychological skills that enables you to - avoid cheating; cope with hunger and cravings; deal with stress and strong negative emotions without turning to food; motivate yourself to exercise; handle eating out, vacations, and special occasions; and, eliminate overeating, bingeing, [...]
Most diet programmes work at first. We lose a few pounds in a few weeks, but then life happens and the bad habits and the weight return. In this invaluable book, Judith Beck PhD offers the solution to break free from these common diet traps and keep the weight off for life. Judith Beck explains that[...]
För det händer att både terapeut och patient ger upp, vilket leder till frustration och besvikelse, tar tid och kostar pengar. Judith Beck, amerikansk doktor i psykologi och psykiatri, har arbetat med dessa professionella svårigheter. I denna bok omformulerar hon svårigheterna till identifierba[...]
Ruokavalion avulla voi laihtua, mutta usein kilot palaavat takaisin. Jotta pystyt pudottamaan liikakilot ja pitämään ne poissa, sinun on opetettava aivosi ajattelemaan uudella tavalla syömisestä ja ruoasta.Judith Beckin kognitiivisen psykologian menetelmiä hyödyntävä teos esittelee kuusivii[...]
The "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Beck Diet Solution" teams up with her daughter and colleague at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior to teach readers how to think their way thin, offering practical, proven tools for escaping common diet traps for good.Most diet programs work at [...]
Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.[...]
Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.[...]
Following on the success of the bestselling "Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond", this groundbreaking book from Judith S. Beck addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress in cognitive-behavioural therapy. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving fr[...]
The leading text for students and practicing therapists who want to learn the fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), this book is eminently practical and authoritative. In a highly accessible, step-by-step style, master clinician Judith S. Beck demonstrates how to engage patients, develop[...]
This groundbreaking book addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accom[...]
I denne bog bygger Judith S. Beck videre pÃ¥ sin meget roste bog Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond (da. overs.: Kognitiv terapi â teori, udøvelse og refleksion). Det er hendes mÃ¥l at hjælpe klinikeren med at identificere og løse problemer over et spektrum fra almindelige klinis[...]
I denne 2. udgave af bogen er der lagt større vægt på den terapeutiske relation, på styret udforskning og sokratisk spørgeteknik, på udnyttelse af klienternes styrker og ressourcer og på hjemmearbejde.
Bogen indeholder nyt materiale om evaluering og adfærdsaktiveri[...]