This is a fun and engaging illustrated book about Zoe and her magic lemonade for Egmont's Blue Banana series. It is written by Joyce Dunbar and illustrated by Jan McCafferty who has illustrated many books by Enid Blyton. With her tablecloth gown and clothes-peg crown, Zoe looks like a Queen. But she[...]
Bedtime isn't so scary when you have such a nice morning to look forward to. When little bunny Willa can't sleep, big brother Willoughby helps her think of all the happy things that await her when the sun comes up--cozy slippers, a yummy breakfast, and the morning itself, which loves to gently nudge[...]
Willa was tired, so she went to bed, but she couldn't sleep. So Willa appeals to her older brother to help her. He suggests that Willa thinks of all the wonderful things which will be waiting for her in the morning. With her mind full of all the fun tomorrow will bring, Willa feels a lot better.[...]
Little bunny Willa is scared to go to sleep, just in case she has a bad dream, so she asks her older brother Willoughby for help. Wise Willoughby knows that she just needs to think of all the happy things that will be waiting for her in the morning.[...]
Good puss or bad cat? Jekyll or Hyde? One and the same? Who decides? Puss Jekyll is the soft cuddly cat of the house grooming her fur, but at night she becomes Cat Hyde, hunting mice, all fang and claw. Page by page this delightful book explores the two very distinct personalities of the enchanting[...]
Sinillä on näyttelijän kykyjä. Kerran hän pukeutuu kuningattareksi ja komentelee kavereitaan. Nämä eivät ensin haluaisi totella, mutta olisiko Sinin limonadissa sittenkin taikaa.Tarina tuo oivallisesti esiin roolileikeissä tarvittavan mielikuvituksen ja lapsiryhmän keskinäiset valtasuhtee[...]