The words of Sai Baba, "God equals man minus ego," are echoed by Dr. Joshua David Stone in his seminal work, Soul Psychology. A veteran transpersonal psychologist and family counselor, Dr. Stone teaches us how our entire understanding of ourselves and others is completely changed when we int[...]
One of the most complete and in-depth books ever written on the subject of terrorism from a Spiritual perspective! In God's Truth and Wisdom Revealed! you will receive a full spectrum prism consciousness understanding from Spirit and the Ascended Masters perspective on terrorism in general and speci[...]
One of the most extraordinary books ever channeled and written on the true story of creation from the Ascended Masters' perspective! The Story of Creation brings forth never before revealed information on the story of creation that will change your consciousness of self and life forever! This is all[...]
Almost all the books on the planet on the subject of ascension are written about planetary ascension. Now, because of the extraordinary times in which we live, cosmic ascension is available here on Earth! Learn about self-realization, evolvement of nations and more.[...]
This volume covers the basics of ascension clearly and completely, from the spiritual hierarchy to the angels and star beings.[...]
This book represents the wisdom of the ascended master condensed into concise keys that serve as a spiritual guide. These 420 golden keys present the multitude of insights Dr. Stone has gleaned from his own background and his path to God realization.[...]
Dr. Stone's spiritual autobiography, beginning with his ascension initiation and progression into the 12th initiation. Filled with insights, tools and information.[...]
Tämä kirja on kultaakin arvokkaampi sinulle, joka haluat todella jouduttaa henkistä avautumistasi. Kirja sisältää valtavan määrän käytännön ohjeita siihen, miten voit päästä henkisellä tielläsi tehokkaimmin eteenpäin. Erilaisia itsetuntemusoppaita on lukuisia, mutta hyvin harva nii[...]