Joseph McMoneagle - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Joseph McMoneagle
Visar Resultat (1-3)
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  1. Remote Viewing Secrets (Pocket)


    Joseph McMoneagle

    ISBN: 9781571741592 - UTGIVEN: 200005

    The most complete, authentic and informative guide to remote viewing published to date.

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    från 158.00 kr
  2. Memoirs of a Psychic Spy (Häftad)


    Joseph McMoneagle

    ISBN: 9781571744821 - UTGIVEN: 200607

    This trade paper edition of The Stargate Chronicles (Hampton Roads, 2002) is a behind-the-curtain look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonishing career of military service. McMoneagle was Remote Viewer 001 in the Army's Stargate Project--"a top secret intelligence-gathering initiative la[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 110.00 kr