CISG-traktaten kræver en international fortolkning. Denne fuldt opdaterede fjerde udgave trækker på hele spektret af sekundære kilder, konventionen, herunder verdensomspændende retspraksis, videnskabelig mening og konkrete eksempler til at hjælpe på fortolkning og forståelse [...]
Denne bog angår den internationale privat- og procesret på formuerettens område, og gennemgår de processuelle regler om domstolenes internationale kompetence og om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske domme. Bogen gennemgår endvidere lovvalgsreglerne for aftaler, herunder løsørekøb (h[...]
»Now in a Second Edition comprising the Brussels I Regulation Recast, as well as other key EU legislation and case law, this wonderfully compact book remains a ´must´ for every student interested in private international law. It brings together principles of jurisdiction, choice of law, and re[...]
The University of Copenhagen, Center for Commercial Law, is proud to present the papers in this volume which cast new light on the interrelationship between key features of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and domestic sales and contract law. The [...]
This book is a tribute to Professor Joseph M. Lookofsky, honoring his work as an internationally respected scholar within the areas of private law, comparative law and private international law.It contains contributions from a wide range of respected scholars and colleagues from around the globe on [...]