Winner of BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR from COVR (The Coalition of Visionary Resources), that recognizes the best new products in the New Age industry.
Enlightened sleep practices for the modern mind. "Buddha's Book of Sleep" is the first book to address sleep disturbances with techniques from mindfuln[...]
Sleep deprivation is a growing problem worldwide. We go to our doctors for advice, but they seem to have nothing but pills to counteract this predicament, and these quick fixes fail to get to the root of the problem. "Buddha's Book of Sleep" is the first book to treat sleep disorders from the perspe[...]
Lapsuuden joulu on satojen - sekä vanhojen että uusien - joulurunojen rikas katselmus. Tunnetut runotoimittajat Satu Koskimies ja Juha Virkkunen johdattavat valikoimallaan lukijan elämykselliselle aikamatkalle joulurunojen maailmaan.Vanhojen, ehkä jo unohtuneiden albumirunojen hartaasta tunnelma[...]