The Norwegian Torbjorn Kvasbo (b. 1953) is considered a leading figure in the field of contemporary ceramic art. He exhibits regularly in Asia, Europe and the US and achieved a unique status as an artist and pioneer, and also as a teacher with widespread influence having been actively engaged in res[...]
"When I am working with colours, I feel like a painter. When I am working with metal, I feel like a constructor. And when I am working with toys, I feel like a child." (Felieke van der Leest). The work of Dutch jewellery and object artist Felieke van der Leest (born in 1968) expresses the very spec[...]
A key, a safety pin, a balloon, a propeller, a voltmeter - these unexpected objects in art jewellery rewrite the world of the Norwegian "jewellery engineer" Sigurd Bronger. He carries over his fascination for machines and instruments in humorously constructed jewellery pieces, and transforms natural[...]
The jewellery artist Konrad Mehus has held an important position in Norwegian art since the end of the 1960s. In his works artistic intention and content play a more important role than practical usage and function. Mehus's objects significantly stretch our notion of what jewellery can be: it is not[...]
Very rarely does a jewellery artist manage to find new pictorial worlds of such a personal nature during the course of their creative work so freely and unencumbered as Daniel Kruger (born 1951, South Africa). His experiments with the most diverse materials, decoration, forms and structures testify [...]
Leonhard Rickhard is an outstanding representative of Norwegian contemporary art. Owing to his unique vision and narrative techniques, he has revitalised painting as a means of artistic expression. In his conceptual paintings he portrays a fragmented and often enigmatic reality, inviting the viewer [...]