En un formato fá cil de leer que integra sencillas historias y ané cdotas tomadas de cuentos folcló ricos, la Biblia, la filosofà a oriental, y el Talmud, entre otros, el Dr. Bucay nos explica por qué la independencia no existe, y la dependencia no nos permite formarnos como individuo[...]
"La vida es un camino que nos lleva hacia un destino final. Todos sabemos que llegar alli es nuestro desafio. Hay muchas formas de conseguirlo. Sin embargo, existen algunos caminos que son parada obligada." --Jorge Bucay
En "El camino de las espiritualidad," Jorge Bucay nos muestra como librarno[...]
Spanisch lernen mit Jorge Bucay: Nach dem grandiosen Erfolg von "Komm, ich erzähl dir eine Geschichte" erzählt uns Jorge Bucay in seinen neuen Erzählungen von Menschen, die auf der Suche nach dem Glück ihre Mitmenschen und ihre Umgebung aus völlig neuen Perspektiven sehen. Ausgewäh[...]
For Jorge Bucay, an essential part of his work as a Gestalt psychotherapist consists of relating to his patients meaningful narratives that shed some light on the significant problems of the human condition. Assuming such a practice, we are given this novel written with Silvia Salinas, a psychothera[...]
Facing self-denial, justifications, and both real and imagined obstacles, the thought process of Bucay becomes an invitation to look at reality as it is so we can make our own decisions. These letters address love, responsibility, happiness, losses, death, and the grieving process to a fictional cha[...]
No one can walk down the personal path that leads to happiness for us. Everyone must take the course at their own risk. There are, of course, those who are slightly lost and arrive a bit late, as well as those that discover the shortcut and become the leaders. In this book, Jorge Bucay shares with u[...]
A beautiful and enriching guide to thinking about our interactions with others, this book by Jorge Bucay urges us to reflect on how our encounters with our peers allow us to grow internally. While the conquest of self-realization is an individual task, it can't be achieved without relationships and [...]
In this newest edition, the author offers us, by means of sharp reflections, ingenious stories, and revealing observations taken from everyday life, a recounting whose goal is wisdom. For Jorge Bucay, no one is obligated to travel a long path of ignorance, to obtain knowledge. Because such a route i[...]
During his long and colorful professional career, Jorge Bucay has always recounted stories not only as a means to teach his patients, but also as a means to reflect with them on some of the worries and concerns involved with being human. This book, one of his most widely read titles, combines many o[...]
Successful therapist Jorge Bucay uses his storytelling talent to delve into literature to address issues that concerns us all. This tale exposes truths that are essential in order to live more happily. Narrated from the point of view of a young girl whose parents have separated, this story describes[...]
Du klarer det du vil, det du bestemmer deg for. Allerede som liten gutt undret hovedpersonen i boka seg over hvorfor den store og sterke sirkuselefanten ikke slet seg løs fra lenken som holdt ham fanget. Hvorfor dro elefanten ikke den lille pluggen som lenken var festet til opp - hvorfor rømte den[...]
In this new work, Bucay coaches on how to change the "I want" into an "I can," so that desire is not conditioned by a limitation. Readers will come to realize that in most cases, our preconceived notions of "can't" and "shouldn't" arise from historical information captured in our psyche from a time [...]
Psykoterapeuten Jorge har en mycket speciell metod för att hjälpa sina klienter: vid varje session berättar han en saga. I Kom ska jag berätta får vi följa den unge Demián, en nyfiken men bekymrad universitetsstudent som vill veta mer om sig själv. Det är så han hamnar hos den rättframme [...]