The divisions of the Waffen-SS were among the elite of Hitler's armies in the Second World War. But alongside the Germans in the Waffen-SS fought an astonishingly high number of volunteers from other countries. By the end of the Second World War these foreign volunteers comprised half of all Hitler'[...]
By the end of the Second World War there were soldiers of more than thirty different nationalities in the Waffen-SS, and Reich Germans themselves were in the minority. How did a regime that believed so completely in the racial superiority of its population come to welcome hundreds of thousands of fo[...]
The Nazis' dream of a world dominated by legions of Aryan 'supermen', forged in battle and absolutely loyal to Adolf Hitler, was epitomised by the Waffen-SS. Created as a supreme military elite, it grew to become Nazi Germany's 'second army', an immense force totalling almost one million men by the [...]
By the end of the Second World War there were soldiers of more than 30 nationalities fighting in the 38 combat division of the Waffen SS; Reich Germans were in the minority. How did a regime founded upon notions of its own racial superiority come to welcome hundreds of thousands of foreigners into i[...]
In 1066 the most significant battle on English soil - and arguably the most important in British history - took place some six miles northwest of Hastings. A king would die on the battlefield and a new dynasty would be established. The fighting exemplified the superiority of an all-arms combined att[...]
Mot slutten av andre verdenskrig kjempet soldater fra mer enn tretti ulike nasjoner i Waffen SS, og tyskerne selv var i mindretall. Men hvordan kunne et regime som var så fullstendig overbevist om sin egen rases overlegenhet, rekruttere hundretusener av utlendinger til sine elitestyrker? Hvem var d[...]
För första gången berättas här historien om alla de skandinaviska män som frivilligt tog värvning för tyska Waffen-SS. Boken, som till stor del baserar sig på intervjuer, berättar om soldaternas krigserfarenheter men tar också upp frågan om varför de tog värvning.
Nazisternas drö[...]