An Intriguing Historical Thriller Set in the Barcelona of the Spanish Civil War On the eve of Hitler's Olympics, Chief Inspector Nikolai Hoffner, a half Jew, has been forced out of the Kriminalpolizei. Luckily, Hoffner's focus is elsewhere. His son Georg is missing in Spain, swept up in the sudden o[...]
November 1918. A socialist revolution is sweeping across Germany, wreaking havoc on war-torn Berlin. Amid the ruin of the city's slums, four women are found dead--all with identical scars on their backs. Detective Inspector Nikolai Hoffner and his assistant, Hans Fichte, are baffled by the killings,[...]
Krimi fra Berlin anno 1927, hvor vicekriminalinspektør Nicolai Hoffner skal verificere et tilsyneladende banalt selvmord i den tyske filmindustri, der viser sig at have faretruende forbindelser til mellemkrigstidens højreorienterede politiske miljø[...]