Written with the same light-hearted satirical voice as Jonas Jonasson's bestselling debut novel, 'The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared', 'The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden' is another picaresque tale of how one person's actions can have far-reaching - even global -[...]
A wildly picaresque new novel from Jonas Jonasson, the author of the internationally bestselling The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and DisappearedIn a tiny shack in the largest township in South Africa, Nombeko Mayeki is born. Put to work at five years old and orphaned at ten, she quic[...]
Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not ...Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroo[...]
The international publishing sensation--over two million copies soldA reluctant centenarian much like Forrest Gump (if Gump were an explosives expert with a fondness for vodka) decides it's not too late to start over...After a long and eventful life, Allan Karlsson ends up in a nursing home, believi[...]
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Alla[...]
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The Mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not - Slowly but surely Alla[...]
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The Mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not - Slowly but surely Alla[...]
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The Mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Alla[...]
Etter et langt og begivenhetsrikt liv havner Allan Karlsson på gamlehjem hvor han tror han snart skal ende sine dager. Problemet er bare at helsa nekter å svikte. En dag fyller han ubønnhørlig hundre år. Pomp og prakt, ordfører, lokalavis og bløtkake venter. Men Allan vil ikke være med. Han [...]
Allan Karlsson har havnet på gamlehjem. Hundreårsdagen hans nærmer seg og feiring med pomp og prakt, ordfører og lokalavis venter. Men Allan vil ikke være med. Han klatrer ut av vinduet, og med en motorsykkelbande og politiet i hælene legger han ut på en måneds lang reise gjennom Sverige. Sa[...]
Etter et langt og begivenhetsrikt liv havner Allan Karlsson på gamlehjem hvor han tror han snart skal ende sine dager. Problemet er bare at helsa nekter å svikte. En dag fyller han ubønnhørlig hundre år. Pomp og prakt, ordfører, lokalavis og bløtkake venter. Men Allan vil ikke være med. Han [...]
I hundred år gjorde Allan Karlsson verden usikker bare ved at være til. Nu er han løs igen.
Den hundredårige der kravlede ud ad vinduet og forsvandt er historien om Allan Karlsson, der stikker af fra sin egen hundredårsfest og drager på rejse gennem Sverige. [...]