A study of divine healing based on biblical scholarship and hands-on ministry experience.
Spiritual warfare victory A biblical and theological rationale with practical tools for advancing God's Kingdom. "Supernatural Forces in Spiritual Warfare: Wrestling with Dark Angels" is a compilation of keynote speaker presentations in an important symposium that was a public legitimizing of acade[...]
The message of "Power Evangelism" has been embraced around the world, and the book that started it all has become a classic, with more than one million sold. In 2006, "Christianity Today" named it one of the fifty most significant Christian books published in the past fifty years. This revised and u[...]
The message of Power Evangelism has been embraced around the world, and the book that started it all has become a classic, with more than one million sold. In 2006, Christianity Today named it one of the 50 most significant Christian books to be published in the last 50 years. This revised and updat[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
We are living in a time when God is powerfully refreshing, renewing, healing and equipping his Church through his Spirit. Now, more than ever, we need to know how Christians can become more effective in evangelism. How can we see the Spirit of God work in power? This edition of POWER EVANGELISM, par[...]