The status of Islam in Western societies remains deeply contentious. Countering strident claims on both the right and left, Legal Integration of Islam offers an empirically informed analysis of how four liberal democracies--France, Germany, Canada, and the United States--have responded to the challe[...]
Vår värld framställs ofta som alltmer gränslös och möjlig att fritt röra sig över. Men möjligheterna till mobilitet är ojämlikt fördelade. Turister och affärsresenärer från nord reser nästintill obehindrat, medan flyktingar och arbetsmigranter från syd begränsas av både ekonomiska[...]
In order to distinguish between those who may and may not enter or leave, states everywhere have developed extensive systems of identification, central to which is the passport. This innovative book argues that documents such as passports, internal passports and related mechanisms have been crucial [...]
This book explores the spread in recent years of political efforts to rectify injustices handed down from the past. Although it recognises that campaigns for reparations may lead to an improvement in the well being of victims of mistreatment by states and to reconciliation among former antagonists, [...]
Politics and the Past offers an original, multidisciplinary exploration of the growing public controversy over reparations for historical injustices. Demonstrating that 'reparations politics' has become one of the most important features of international politics in recent years, the authors analyze[...]