For twenty years, Episcopal Bishop John Spong, wrote a monthly column in his diocesan newspaper, The Voice. Throughout the years, he used the paper as a pulpit for his progressive views about faith, dogma, tradition, and human rights. Compiled and edited by his daughter, Christine, this collection s[...]
In this boldest book since Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, Bishop John Shelby Spong offers a compelling view of the Gospels as thoroughly Jewish tests.Spong powerfully argues that many of the key Gospel accounts of events in the life of Jesus--from the stories of his birth to his physical re[...]
Writing from his prison cell in Nazi Germany in 1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young German theologian, sketched a vision of what he called 'religionless Christianity'. In this book, John Shelby Spong puts flesh onto the bare bones of Bonhoeffer's radical thought. Spong questions the historicity of the[...]
For over 200 years, scholars have been debating, analyzing, and exploring one of the most important books ever written - The Bible - and overturning much of what we know about this sacred library of books. However, a large group of people who actually use this book, mainly lay Christians, aren't awa[...]
The Fourth Gospel by John Shelby Spong has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.[...]
Spong julistaa kohutussa kirjassaan useimmat kristinuskon opit ja käytännöt vanhentuneiksi ja esittelee oman, ei-teistisen uskonkäsityksensä.Onko Jumala kuollut? Puhuvatko Raamatun kertomukset ja kirkon uskontunnustukset kieltä, jota tämä aika ei ymmärrä?
John Sh[...]