Accessible, step-by-step, guidance on how to attain your Health and Social Care Level 2 Diploma with a clear focus on how to pass the assessment.[...]
Clear, step-by-step guidance on how to attain the Health and Social Care Level 3 Diploma with an assessment-focussed approach.[...]
Clear, step-by-step guidance on how to attain the Health and Social Care Level 3 Dementia Care Award and Certificate with an assessment-focussed approach.[...]
The first book of its kind to pair the writings of Emerson and Fuller, this text plays a major role in illuminating the contributions of both men and women to American Transcendentalism. In addition to a generous selection of Emerson's essays, the complete text of Margaret Fuller's Woman in the Nine[...]
Statistics for the Health Sciences is a highly readable and accessible textbook on understanding statistics for the health sciences, both conceptually and via the SPSS programme. The authors give clear explanations of the concepts underlying statistical analyses and descriptions of how these analyse[...]
Eelis, pieni siilinpoikanen, vaeltelee metsässä ja törmää milloin mihinkin erikoiseen ja jännittävään eläimeen. Se tarkkailee muita ja vertailee niiden hienoja häntiä ja turkkeja itseensä - se haluaisi olla sellainen kuin muut. Mutta retkellään Eelis oppii, että jokainen on parhaimmi[...]