This book explores the reasons for difficulties in making cycling mainstream in many cultures, despite its claims for being one of the most sustainable forms of transport. In conditions of relatively low use, cycle users become more closely identified with their means of transport than users of othe[...]
If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly. Realising that what you're worrying about and stressing over doesn't really matter so much in[...]
F**k It has taken the world by storm, helping countless people to let go, stop struggling and finally do what they want; to ignore what everyone else is telling them and go their own way. This now classic text has been updated with inspirational new material from John C. Parkin. In this inspiring an[...]
This fun, interactive book takes the liberating F**k It philosophy - of not worrying so much, letting go more, caring less about what others think and doing your own thing - into a magic 8-ball format that will answer any question you ask. We all have questions. And the bestselling F**k It books hav[...]
Saying Fuck It is like massage for the mind - relaxing you, releasing tension, giving up on things that aren't working. Just starting to say Fuck It can transform your life. Saying Fuck It feels good - to stop struggling and finally do what you fancy; to ignore what everyone's telling you and go you[...]
To say "F**k It "feels good. To stop struggling and finally do what you wish . . . to ignore what everyone is telling you and just go your own way . . . feels really great.In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying "F**k It" is the perfect Western expression of the East[...]
If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly. Realising that what you're worrying about and stressing over doesn't really matter so much in[...]
In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying "F**k It "is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up, and finding real freedom by realizing that things don't matter so much (if at all). It's a spiritual way that doesn't require [...]
Think of a question - any question (okay, maybe not a question like "what was the name of my physics teacher?"). Then turn to a page, and experience the magic... the magic of F**k It. We all have questions. And the bestselling F**k It books have provided answers to hundreds of thousands of people a[...]
With the author's first book, "F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way", he established that saying 'Fuck It' was a spiritual act: helping us let go and realise that things don't matter so much after all. This book offers quick tips with big effects, with lines such as 'Say Fuck It to being happy: just [...]
Fuck det og gør ikke i dag, hvad du kan udsætte til i morgen.
Fuck det og bliv i sengen, til du bliver træt af det.Endelig en selvhjælps-humorbog, der faktisk kan bruges i praksis. Fuck alt - og bliv lykkelig! handler om, hvordan den simple fuck det-filosofi kan gøre dig ti[...]
Fuck It sanominen tuntuu hyvältä. Lakata taistelemasta ja tehdä lopultakin, mitä itse haluaa; olla välittämättä muiden sanomisista ja kulkea omaa tietään tuntuu suurenmoiselta.Kirjailija esittää, että Fuck It on täydellinen länsimainen ilmaisu idän hengellisille ajatuksille irrottaut[...]