John Mcleod - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: John Mcleod
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  1. Counselling Skills (Pocket)


    John Mcleod, Julia McLeod

    ISBN: 9780335244263 - UTGIVEN: 2011-11-01

    Provides a research-informed critique of counselling skills models, offering a model of embedded counselling. This book features chapters on loss and bereavement, research and training in embedded counselling and additional counselling skills literature. It also features an appendix with occupation-[...]

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    från 309.00 kr
  2. Counselling : stödsamtal i socialt arbete (Inbunden)


    John McLeod, Janet Seden, Thérèse von Braun, Thomas Johansson, Christian Kullberg, Sam Larsson, John Lilja, Ulla Melin Emilsson

    ISBN: 9789172056688 - UTGIVEN: 201001

    Det här är den första boken på svenska som presenterar hur counselling kan tillämpas inom socialt arbete. Counselling är ett kunskapsområde som handlar om hur vi kan förstå, analysera och utvärdera själva mötet mellan behandlare och klient. Här ingår praktiska bemötandestr[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  3. An Introduction to Counselling (Häftad)


    John McLeod

    ISBN: 9780335225514 - UTGIVEN: 200907

    This bestseller provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of counselling and therapy. The book has been thoroughly updated with new references and examples and now has information on topics such as: Transactional analysis; The use of natural environment in counselling; The con[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 357.00 kr
  4. The Counsellor's Workbook (Pocket)


    John Mcleod

    ISBN: 9780335228713 - UTGIVEN: 2009-11-01

    Allows the reader the opportunity to document and consolidate their learning and personal development. This workbook includes more than eighty learning tasks and activities. It features tasks that cover topics, such as gender, ethnicity as well as transactional analysis theory and contexts of counse[...]

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    från 315.00 kr
  5. Jämför priser
    från 385.00 kr
  6. Beginning Postcolonialism (Storpocket)


    John McLeod

    ISBN: 9780719078583 - UTGIVEN: 201006

    Postcolonialism has become one of the most exciting, popular and stimulating fields of literary and cultural studies in recent years. Yet the variety of approaches, the range of debate and the critical vocabularies often used may make it challenging for new students to establish a firm foothold in t[...]

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    från 161.00 kr
  7. Doing Counselling Research (Pocket)


    John Mcleod

    ISBN: 9780761941088 - UTGIVEN: 2003-05-16

    Provides an introduction to the research process within counselling and psychotherapy. This book guides readers through the principles and practice of undertaking a research project, explaining how to review the literature; select appropriate methods, collect data, design and implement an effective [...]

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    från 387.00 kr
  8. An Introduction to Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Inbunden)


    John Mcleod

    ISBN: 9781446201404 - UTGIVEN: 2013-04-05

    As an introduction to the basic principles of research theory and practice, this book is the ideal starter text for any counselling trainee or practitioner learning about the research process for the very first time.[...]

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    från 920.00 kr
  9. An Introduction To Research In Counselling And Psychotherapy (Pocket)


    John Mcleod

    ISBN: 9781446201411 - UTGIVEN: 2013-03-22

    As an introduction to the basic principles of research theory and practice, this book is the ideal starter text for any counselling trainee or practitioner learning about the research process for the very first time.[...]

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    från 329.00 kr
  10. Person-Centred Counselling in Action (Häftad)


    Brian Thorne, John McLeod, Dave Mearns

    ISBN: 9781446252536 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    It is now 25 years since the first edition of Person-Centred Counselling in Action appeared, offering the definitive exposition of the theory and practice of the person-centred approach. Since then the book has supported and inspired hundreds of thousands of trainees and practitioners worldwide. Thi[...]

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    från 320.00 kr
  11. Pluralistic Counselling And Psychotherapy (Pocket)


    John Mcleod, Mick Cooper

    ISBN: 9781847873453 - UTGIVEN: 2010-11-16

    By identifying and demonstrating the application of a range of therapeutic methods, this book outlines a flexible framework for practice within which appropriate methods can be selected depending on the client's individual needs and the therapist's knowledge and experience.[...]

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    från 443.00 kr
  12. Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Pocket)


    John McLeod

    ISBN: 9781849200622 - UTGIVEN: 201104

    The need to show how and why counselling works has led to an explosion of research activity, and a growing focus on research in counselling and psychotherapy teaching and practice. Yet this book, even now in its second edition, stands alone in addressing qualitative research in therapy. Leading expe[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 561.00 kr
  13. Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (Pocket)


    Fiona Ballantine Dykes, Meg Barker, Michael Barkham, Mick Cooper, Darren Langdridge, John Mcleod

    ISBN: 9781849204767 - UTGIVEN: 2010-04-01

    Focuses on common problems such as anxiety and depression, exploring how different therapeutic approaches understand and work with them. This book introduces key aspects of the theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy, and the increasing relevance of research in this area.[...]

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    från 332.00 kr
  14. Case Study Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Pocket)


    John McLeod

    ISBN: 9781849208055 - UTGIVEN: 201010

    Case-based knowledge forms an essential element of the evidence base for counselling and psychotherapy practice. This book provides the reader with a unique introduction to the conceptual and practical tools required to conduct high quality case study research that is grounded in their own therapy p[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 311.00 kr