This volume covers the vast area of the Highland region, the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland and highlights buildings and monuments as varied as its landscapes. This includes: brochs, cairns, and ceremonial settings of standing stones; cathedrals and abbeys; and churches.[...]
John Gifford's 'Dumfries and Galloway' explores the castles, churches and tower houses of south-west Scotland, an area that stretches from Stranraer in the west to Langholm in the east.[...]
Dundee is the fourth largest of Scotland's cities and has some of the finest ecclesiastical, public, commercial and industrial buildings in the country. This guide covers buildings as diverse as the houses of the coastal ports, the high-rise flats of post-war Dundee, Stevenson's Bell Rock Lighthouse[...]
Hämmästele maapallon ääri-ilmiöitä tämän kirjan huimaavien kuvien välityksellä. Tutustu ihmisen epätavallisiin, uskomattomiin, suorituskyvyn äärirajoilla tuotettuihin aikaansaannoksiin ja historiallisiin keksintöihin. Äimistele luonnonmullistuksia, raivoisia petoja ja outoja elinolosu[...]