Who or what is God? How do different religions interpret His existence? How can we know God? Many people believe in God; not just throughout history but also in the present day. But who or what is it they believe in? Many different and sometimes conflicting answers have been suggested to this questi[...]
Baffled by Buddhism? Confused by Catholicism? Mystified by Mysticism? "World Religions" can lift the cloud surrounding the main faiths of the world. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism and many more key faiths are explained clearly with beautifully annotations and full colour illustratio[...]
Why do we think that things happen in the way that they do? Why do we think that some things are beautiful, and others ugly? Why do we think that some things are good, and others evil? Why do we think that some things are true, and others false? These are old and traditional questions. In the past t[...]
Den fullstendige BIBELHÅNDBOKEN er en optimal ledsager til Bibelen, en lettfattelig og inspirerende veiviser som omfatter hele den jødisk-kristne tradisjonen.Innledninger til alle Bibelens bøker, skrevet av vår tids mest kunnskapsrike fagfolk, gir oversikt over innholdet og de viktigste hovedpun[...]