This wide-ranging and accessible book offers a stimulating introduction to the field of media anthropology and the study of religious ritual. Johanna Sumiala explores the interweaving of rituals, communication and community. She uses the tools of anthropological enquiry to examine a variety of media[...]
This wide-ranging and accessible book offers a stimulating introduction to the field of media anthropology and the study of religious ritual. Johanna Sumiala explores the interweaving of rituals, communication and community. She uses the tools of anthropological enquiry to examine a variety of media[...]
Mikä saa kaksi miljoonaa suomalaista katsomaan Linnan juhlia? Tai miksi poptähti Michael Jacksonin kuolema nousee maailmanlaajuisesti median ykkösaiheeksi? Näihin ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin Johanna Sumiala etsii vastauksia media-antropologian avulla. Poikkitieteellisenä tutkimusalana media-an[...]