Joel Stidley - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Joel Stidley
Visar Resultat (1-4)
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  1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (Häftad)


    Siegfried Jagott, Joel Stidley

    ISBN: 9780735627192 - UTGIVEN: 201007

    Covers Service Pack 1 Apply best practices for administering Exchange Server 2010 and SP1--and optimize your operational efficiency and results. This guide captures the field-tested solutions, real-world lessons, and candid advice of practitioners across the range of business and technical scenario[...]

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    från 309.00 kr
  2. Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices (Häftad)


    Joel Stidley, Siegfried Jagott

    ISBN: 9780735678019 - UTGIVEN: 2013-12-31

    Field-tested solutions, real-world lessons, and candid advice for IT professionals planning and managing Microsoft Exchange deployments.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr