This Visual QuickStart Guide will help you get up and running with the Nexus 7, Google's much-anticipated entry into the tablet market. This guide connects all the capabilities of the Nexus 7 for you, using full-color images and step-by-step instruction. You'll learn how to tap and swipe, search and[...]
The ultimate beginner resource for learning the key features and tools of your Mac Macs are easy to use, but this guide helps you take advantage of all the cool features and make the most of your Mac. Fully updated, it covers the newest operating system, as well as the latest versions of iLife and i[...]
Outsmart the smartest smartphone around: the iPhone 5 If you want to rock the hottest smartphone in town, get this great guide and find out how to get the very most out of the incredible iPhone. Five, full-color minibooks cover everything you want to know: iPhone basics, how to load your phone with [...]