Mental illness comes in many qualities and many degrees, from the young patient with low self-esteem and incomplete psychosexual development, to the patient with severe depression, anxiety, personality disturbances, social phobia, paranoia, mental delusions, or even severe autism, and schizophrenia [...]
Youth gambling represents a potentially serious public policy and health issue. Nevertheless, the rise in youth gambling issues and problems in the global context is not matched with a parallel increase in research on adolescent gambling. As such, there is an urgent need to conduct more studies on a[...]
Psychiatric disorders in adolescents are an important social problem relevant to almost all healthcare professionals. The prevalence of mood, anxiety, substance use and other psychiatric disorders among adolescents is high. However, medical professionals are not sufficiently trained about adolescent[...]
Holistic medicine, or quality of life as medicine, as we often call it, is basically a strategy for improving the patients quality of life, through mobilising of inner resources. This can never harm and will almost always benefit the patient's wellbeing and often also help him or her to fight back t[...]