In these searing profiles the author dissects the lives of fifteen infamous Nazisincluding Hermann Gring, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Ernst Rhm, Hans Frank, Rudolph Hss, Albert Speer, and Hitler himself. He also analyzes the archetypal roles of the officer corps, intellectual[...]
Fest describes in riveting detail the final weeks of the war, from the desperate battles that raged night and day in the ruins of Berlin, fought by boys and old men, to the growing paranoia that marked Hitler's mental state, to his suicide and the efforts of his loyal aides to destroy his body befor[...]
A portrait of an intellectually rigorous German household opposed to the Nazis and how its members suffered for their political stanceFew writers have deepened our understanding of the Third Reich as much as German historian, biographer, journalist, and critic Joachim Fest. His biography of Adolf Hi[...]
Who were the men who helped Hitler establish the Third Reich and then carry out some of the worst atrocities in modern history? In fifteen chilling profiles, Joachim Fest examines the lives of the most infamous Nazi leaders. They include Hermann Goering: the self-styled 'Iron Man', who directly issu[...]
Joachim C. Fests Det tredje riges ansigt - et totalitært herredømmes profiler er et af forfatterens hovedværker, og det regnes for at være en klassisk skildring af Det Tredje Riges hovedskikkelser.
I bogen portrætterer Fest femten af de berygtede nazispidsers liv; heribland[...]
Modstandskampen i det nazistiske Tyskland, især den militære modstand, der kulminerede i attentatet mod Hitler den 20. juli 1944.[...]
Portræt af seks af mænd, der var lige bag Hitler i Det tredje Riges magthierarki, og som kæmpede om rollen som hans mest betroede væbner - og mulige efterfølger.
Læs om Hermann Göring, der kaldyte sig selv ´nazi nr. 1´. Om Joseph Goebbels, propagandachefen, der[...]
Portræt af Det tredje Riges villige personale, generalerne - og de jævne tyskere - der stod bag Hitler og virkeliggjorde de nazistiske ambitioner om Blitzkrieg, racerenhed og jødeudryddelse. Læs blandt andet om Rudolf Höss, kommandanten fra Auschwitz, der aldrig forstod, at han havde gjort noge[...]
Reissued with a striking new cover, the classic account of one of the most dramatic final acts in modern history: the collapse of the Third Reich.[...]
A quiet, proud, often painful, always clear-eyed memoir... It deserves wide attention in the English-speaking world. It is illuminating of the man, of the times he lived through, and also of a rare kind of moral resolve, both sobering and inspiring.' Rachel Seiffert, Guardian[...]