For non-majors and mixed-majors introductory botany (plant biology) courses. Plant Biology focuses students on the function of plants and the role they play in our world. With evolved content and a new organization, the authors emphasize the scientific method to help students develop the critical th[...]
Our OCR GCSE Gateway Science course provides the simplest, clearest approach to the new specifications - easing the transition for you, and helping students understand how to maximise their potential. We focus on support, motivation and exam preparation. The Student Book helps your students develop[...]
Oxford's AQA GCSE Science is a complete match to the new 2011 AQA GCSE science specifications. It provides more assessment, better engagement and extra help with delivery so your students can achieve the best grades. The Student Book develops students' scientific knowledge and understanding, and he[...]
Oxford's AQA GCSE Science is a complete match to the new 2011 AQA GCSE science specifications. It provides more assessment, better engagement and extra help with delivery so your students can achieve the best grades. The Student Book develops students' scientific knowledge and understanding, and he[...]
Aimed at finance professionals and investors who need to understand the inner working of the United Kingdom gilt market. This work provides coverage of the different gilt instruments, as well as a look at the structures, institutions and practices of the market itself. It also includes Foreword by M[...]