Following the signing of the Edinburgh Agreement in October 2012, Scotland's voters are promised a referendum on independence in autumn 2014. If they reject independence, the proposed changes from the Calman Commission's review on Scottish Devolution will most likely be put in place. But what will h[...]
Forfatteren gir her ei skildring av Moder Teresa. Han forteller om hvordan hun startet som nonne i den irske ordenen Loretosøstrene, og gjorde tjeneste i India. Den beskriver hvordan hun fra 1928 arbeidet i slummen i Calcutta, og hvordan hun i 1950 fikk tillatelse til å starte sin egen orden, Misj[...]
"The Studio Business Book, Third Edition" teaches business managers and entrepreneurs the business skills they need to successfully operate a recording studio. Readers learn every aspect of putting together and managing a recording studio, including budgets and taxation, employment issues, capitaliz[...]