"This is a fine, well-written book ...a penetrating and informed analysis." * Martin A. Schain, New York University "Anyone interested in contemporary European and French politics, ERP parties, the Front National, populism nationalism, or racism will find the book both interesting and useful ...[it[...]
EU:s sammanhållning är satt på sitt hittills svåraste prov. I den ekonomiska krisens spår ser vissa medlemsländer arbetslösheten stiga dramatiskt och tvingas till kraftiga neddragningarna i välfärden. I andra medlemsländer går krisen relativt obemärkt förbi. Otryggheten och skillnaderna[...]
One of the most significant events in European politics the past two decades is the emergence of radical right-wing parties, mobilizing against immigration and multiethnic societies. Such parties have established themselves in a large number of countries, often with voter shares exceeding ten and so[...]