Emnet for bogen er retsmisbrug i dansk formueret. Ved retsmisbrug forstås lidt forenklet den omstændighed, at en person (rettighedshaveren) anvender en retsposition til at opnå en fordel for sig selv eller en anden, som ikke er forudset eller tilsigtet med rettigheden.
Hovedformålet er a[...]
Historien om den danske retsvidenskabsmand og retsfilosof Alf Ross' (1899-1979) arbejdsliv og kærlighedsliv[...]
Dansk og international sportsret er en omfattende behandling af dansk og international sportsret. Som en interdisciplinær juridisk disciplin er sportsretten præget af mange forskellige juridiske discipliner såsom folkeret, EU-ret, foreningsret, kontraktret, forvaltningsret, strafferet mv. Disse[...]
On the surface, the life of Alf Ross was a fairy tale; at least he had to go through an awful lot of hardship both in relation to love and work before he became an internationally known and recognized philosopher and legal scholar. But the story of Alf Ross is not a fairy tale. It is the story abou[...]
This practical analysis of sports law in Denmark deals with the regulation of sports activity by both public authorities and private sports organizations.
This monograph fills a gap in the legal literature by giving academics, practitioners, sports organizations, and policymakers acces to spo[...]