The Japanese Zen garden is a triumph of simplicity, a space in which balance is emphasized to create a place of stillness and sanctuary.
"Zen in Your Garden" offers readers a comprehensive and practical guide to creating a sacred space for meditation and contemplation. Learn how your garden can [...]
This title includes fantastic ideas for making things, growing plants and flowers and attracting wildlife, with 60 practical projects and 175 photographs. It offers over 60 fun, child-friendly projects for gardening, with ideas for cultivating flowers, growing fruit and vegetables, making crafty pro[...]
This title shows you how to design and plant an outside space, with practical advice and 550 inspiring step-by-step photographs. It shows you how to create lovely and easy-to-maintain garden courtyards, patios, terraces and backyards. There are decorative ideas to suit all kinds of outdoor spaces fr[...]
A fascinating insight into the living art of topiary, with step-by-step instructions, spectacular photography and authoritative text. Projects show how to clip a spiral, create freehand figures; use topiary frames; train an arch; and tame a hedge. Includes simple designs aimed at complete beginners [...]
This title lets you select ideas from a range of popular styles including Traditional Lines, Mediterranean Moods, Outdoor Rooms, Productive Spaces, Contemplative Retreats and Modern Zones. Case studies demonstrate real-life backyards to set your imagination alight, from an exotic Moroccan Nights loc[...]
Tee tämän oppaan avulla puutarhastasi huolitellun näköinen ja helppohoitoinen.- Käytä pohjaratkaisuja, rakenteita ja materiaaleja, jotka vaativat mahdollisimman vähän kunnossapitoa.- Ideoi vapaasti. Helppohoitoinen ei tarkoita tylsää. Kirjan mallipuutarhat inspiroivat luomaan oman tyylisi.[...]
Pidätkö puutarhastasi, mutta toivoisit, ettei sen hoitaminen olisi kovin työlästä? "30 minuuttia puutarhassa" on täynnä nokkelia ideoita ja käytännön vinkkejä, joiden avulla puutarhanhoito sujuu pikaisesti.Pikaratkaisuilla kasviruukkusi kokevat nopean muodonmuutoksen ja kukkapenkkisi saav[...]