The Aid Chain explores the role of funding conditions in shaping co-operation and resistance as aid moves from donors, to NGOs, to local communities. Significant proportions of aid flow through the non-governmental sector but questions are increasingly being asked about the role of NGOs and whether [...]
When you've hurt someone all you want to do is make things right.
Same thing if you've been wronged.But sometimes just saying or hearing, "Sorry," isn't enough.Relationships are fragile. And whether fractured by a major incident or a minor irritation, the ensuing emotions can often feel insurmou[...]
When Dr. Reggie Anderson is present at the bedside of a dying patient, something miraculous happens. Sometimes as he sits vigil and holds the patient's hand . . . he can experience what they feel and see as they cross over. Because of these God-given glimpses of the afterlife--his "appointments with[...]
"I "said" I was sorry "
Even in the best of relationships, all of us make mistakes. We do and say things we later regret and hurt the people we love most. So we need to make things right. But simply saying you're sorry is usually not enough.
In this audio book, #1 "New York Times" best-selli[...]
Basert på en bred spørreundersøkelse har samlivseksperter funnet fram til fem deler for tilgivelse: å beklage, å ta ansvar, å gjenopprette forholdet, å omvende seg, å be om tilgivelse. Siste del av boken inneholder et spørreskjema der du kan finne ditt eget tilgivelsesspråk.[...]