Schema Therapy combines proven cognitive behavioral therapy techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies in order to help people with long-term mental health problems including personality disorders and chronic depression. Schema Therapy suggests that many neg[...]
Teaching Young Adult Literature Today introduces the reader to what is current and relevant in the plethora of good books available for adolescents. More importantly, literary experts illustrate how teachers everywhere can help their students become lifelong readers by simply introducing them to gre[...]
Designed to bring about lasting change in clients with personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies. This book, written by the model's developer and two [...]
Lev som du vill och inte som du lärt dig (Reinventing your life) är en internationell självhjälpsklassiker som äntligen finns på svenska. Boken bygger på schematerapi och en av författarna är grundaren Jeffrey Young.
Insiktsfullt och levande beskriver de hur olika destruktiva liv[...]
Tunnettu amerikkalainen elämänhallinta- ja itsehoito-opas Reinventing Your Life nyt suomennettuna. Teos antaa eväitä "tunnelukkojen", tunne-elämän käyttäytymiskaavojen purkamiseen. Elämän paradokseihin kuuluu ihmisen pyrkimys pitää kiinni vaikeuksistaan. Tunnelukko hiertää parisuhdetta[...]
Two of America's leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D., show readers how to free themselves from negative life patterns. Written with compassion as well as clinical insight, this thought-provoking book guides readers through the process of identifying "life traps[...]
iCon takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Jeffrey Young and William Simon provide new perspectives on the legendary creation of Apple, detail Jobs's meteoric rise, and the devastating plun[...]
Designed to meet the formidable challenges of treating personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of other widely practiced therapies. This book - written by the model's developer and two of its leading practitio[...]
Kognitiv terapi vinder frem i disse år som en effektiv behandlingsmetode, både på de psykiatriske hospitalsafdelinger og i privat praksis. Men ikke alle psykiske lidelser responderer lige godt på kognitiv korttidsterapi. Det gælder ikke mindst personligheds-forstyrrelser. Til denne gr[...]
Skeematerapia on Jeffrey Youngin kehittämä psykoterapian muoto, josta saatu lupaavia tuloksia esimerkiksi persoonallisuushäiriöiden hoidossa. Siinä yhdistetään kognitiivisbehavioraalista terapiaa muihin käytössä vakiintuneisiin terapian muotoihin. Erityisen painon terapiassa saavat kokemuk[...]