Although there are thousands of community gardens across North America, only Seattle and a few other cities, include them in their urban development plans. While the conditions and experiences in Seattle may be unique, the city's programs offer insights and lessons for other cities and communities. [...]
How To Hunt består af jagtbilleder, af store panoramaer, hvor jægere går rundt med deres hunde i tågeagtigt douce, nærmest surrealistiske, drømmeagtige, overjordisk smukke danske landskaber. Der er ingen dramatiske, bloddryppende billeder af døde dyr eller andre trofæer, jagt[...]
After more than a century of heroic urban visions, urban dwellers today live in suburban subdivisions, gated communities, edge cities, apartment towers, and slums. The contemporary cities we know are more often the embodiment of unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences rather than visionary p[...]