Presents the intriguing story of laser technology development through interviews with the scientists who made history with their groundbreaking research. This book describes a race for innovative laser technologies that resulted in several Nobel Prizes and one of the most bitter patent fights of the[...]
This best-selling text is a useful tool for anyone who needs to better their understanding of fiber optics. The book takes a nontheorectical and nonmathematical approach. It conveys the technical details of fibers, describes the tools used to work with them, illustrates and explains the devices used[...]
City of Light tells the story of fiber optics, tracing its transformation from 19th-century parlor trick into the foundation of our global communications network. Written for a broad audience by a journalist who has covered the field for twenty years, the book is a lively account of both the people [...]
The only introductory text to explain the underlying physics and engineering applicable to all lasers, Introduction to Laser Technology presents a unique combination of clarity and technical depth.[...]