Gossip. It's more than just hearsay. society columns, and supermarket tabloids. It has, like it or not, become a mainstay of American pop culture. In Dish, industry insider Jeannette Walls gives this provocative subject its due, offering a comprehensive, serious exploration of gossip and its social,[...]
The second child of a scholarly, alcoholic father and an eccentric artist mother discusses her family's nomadic upbringing from the Arizona desert, to Las Vegas, to an Appalachian mining town, during which her siblings and she fended for themselves while their parents outmaneuvered bill collectors a[...]
"Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did." So begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, Jeannette Walls's no-nonsense, resourceful, and spectacularly compelling grandmother. By age six, Lily was helping her father break horses. At fifteen, she left home to teach in a frontier town--riding f[...]
Jeannette Walls grew up with parents whose ideals and stubborn nonconformity were both their curse and their salvation. Rex and Rose Mary Walls had four children. In the beginning, they lived like nomads, moving among Southwest desert towns, camping in the mountains. Rex was a charismatic, brilliant[...]
Jeannette Walls grew up with parents whose ideals and stubborn nonconformity were both their curse and their salvation. Rex and Rose Mary Walls had four children. In the beginning, they lived like nomads, moving among Southwest desert towns, camping in the mountains. Rex was a charismatic, brilliant[...]
The Silver Star, Jeannette Walls has written a heartbreaking and redemptive novel about an intrepid girl who challenges the injustice of the adult world a triumph of imagination and storytelling.It is 1970 in a small town in California. Bean Holladay is twelve and her sister, Liz, is fifteen when th[...]
From the #1 "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Glass Castle, "Jeannette Walls' gripping new novel that "transports us with her powerful storytelling...She contemplates the extraordinary bravery needed to confront real-life demons in a world where the hardest thing to do may be to not run aw[...]
A stunning, heartbreaking novel about an intrepid girl who challenges the injustice of the adult world - a triumph of imagination and storytelling[...]
A stunning, heartbreaking novel about an intrepid girl who challenges the injustice of the adult world - a triumph of imagination and storytelling[...]
From one of the bestselling memoirists of all time, a stunning and heartbreaking novel about an intrepid girl who challenges the injustice of the adult world--a triumph of imagination and storytelling. It is 1970. "Bean" Holladay is twelve and her sister Liz is fifteen when their artistic mother Cha[...]
This is a startling memoir of a successful journalist's journey from the deserted and dusty mining towns of the American Southwest, to an antique filled apartment on Park Avenue. Jeanette Walls narrates her nomadic and adventurous childhood with her dreaming, 'brilliant' but alcoholic parents. At th[...]
From the author of the two-million copy US bestseller, The Glass Castle, comes a debut novel inspired by the extraordinary life of her grandmother[...]
Et familieportrett utenom det vanlige - en selvbiografisk roman. Walls skriver om sin oppvekst i hendene på eksentriske, nomadiske foreldre. Faren Rex er alkoholiker og moren, Rose Mary, er kunstner og lettere gal. Hun prioriterer maling og litteratur fremfor morskap: "Hvorfor bruke en ettermiddag [...]
Lily Casey Smith er en småfrekk heltinne som snakker rett fra levra. På én og samme dag redder hun både liv, temmer ville hester og slår kvegarbeidere i poker. Hun ble født i 1901 i en jordhytte på de buktende, glisne gresslettene i Texas. Som seksåring hjelper hun faren å temme hester. Som[...]
Lily Casey Smith. Uredd, handlekraftig og beintøff . På én og samme dag redder hun liv, temmer ville hester og slår kvegarbeidere i poker. Hun ble født i 1901 i en jordhytte i Texas. Som seksåring hjelper hun faren å temme hester. Som femtenåring fl ytter hun hjemmefra for å være lærer i [...]
DET SOM IKKE TAR LIVET AV DEG, GJØR DEG STERKERE. En sann historie om fattigdom, galskap og kjærlighet som viser at virkeligheten lett kan overgå fantasien "Spektakulære barndomsminner" DAGBLADET "...Walls forteller om foreldrene og oppveksten sin med kjærlighet og varme. Hun beskriver de mest [...]
Glæd jer til dette vidunder af en erindringsroman! En sensation verden over med mere end 2,5 mill. eks. solgt alene i USA, tre år på New York Times bestsellerliste og oversat til 22 sprog.
Jeannette Walls voksede op med sine forældre, hvis idealisme og stædige insisteren p�[...]
Ny bog af forfatteren bag Glasslottet - solgt i mere end 10.000 eksemplarer i Danmark.
Jag satt i en taxi och funderade på om jag var för uppklädd för kvällen, när jag kastade en blick ut genom rutan och såg mamma rota i en sopcontainer. Det var flera månader sedan jag sett mamma, och när hon tittade upp greps jag av panik för att hon skulle se mig och ropa mitt namn och att[...]