The biography of a noble Frenchwoman whom her contemporaries harassed, imprisioned, and finally condemned as a hereyic? What was it that motivated women, keeping her faithful to her unpopular beliefs and causing her to rest joyfully in God's will ? even in the shadow of dungeon walls?[...]
Within the pages of this book, you will find spiritual insight and Christian counseling from church history's best-known woman. These letters contain her advice as shared with common people, famous people and clergy who sought her guidance. You will receive from her help in such areas as discourage[...]
She came from an unsettled childhood and loveless marriage to her controversial years of ministry in France, Switzerland and Savoy. What was it that motivated this noblewoman, keeping her faithful to her unpopular beliefs and causing her to rest joyfully in God's will even in the shadow of dungeon w[...]
Gene Edwards, camera in hand, traced the life of Jeanne Guyon in France where she lived back in the 1600s. He photographed the placed she lived and where she was in prison, from her home in Montargis through her death in 1717. Over and again he was surprised about things no one today knows of Jeann[...]
In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer.[...]
The greatest love story ever written, the Song of Songs describes the emotional, unfolding story of the Bridegroom and His bride. Jeanne Guyon shows how the song of a young maiden, fervently in love with her suitor, becomes a powerful allegory of every believer's relationship with Christ. You will b[...]
Jeanne Marie de la Mothe Guyon (Madame Guyon) levde i Frankrike på 1600-talet. Hon var en utomordentligt begåvad kristen mystiker och hon framträdde offentligt som en förespråkare för innerlig kristendom - att man skall överlåta sig helt och utan förbehåll åt Gud. Andliga strömmar beskri[...]
Som ung änka och benådad mystiker skulle Jeanne Marie de la Mothe Guyon, 1648-1717 (ofta kallad Madame Guyon), fängsla människoskarorna med en sådan respons att den väckte oro bland tidens predikanter. Hennes budskap var den totala överlåtelsen åt Guds vilja och ledning. Stark i sin tro och[...]