Jason Baird - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Jason Baird
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  1. Yuchi Indian Histories Before the Removal Era (Pocket)


    Jason Baird (EDT) Jackson

    ISBN: 9780803240414 - UTGIVEN: 2012-11

    In Yuchi Indian Histories Before the Removal Era, folklorist and anthropologist Jason Baird Jackson and nine scholars of Yuchi (Euchee) Indian culture and history offer a revisionist and in-depth portrait of Yuchi community and society. This first interdisciplinary history of the Yuchi people correc[...]

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    från 274.00 kr
  2. Explosive Pulsed Power (Inbunden)


    Larry L. Altgilbers, Jason Baird, Bruce L. Freeman

    ISBN: 9781848163225 - UTGIVEN: 201012

    Explosive pulsed power generators are devices that either convert the chemical energy stored in explosives into electrical energy or use the shock waves generated by explosives to release energy stored in ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials. The objective of this book is to acquaint the reader[...]

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    från 1039.00 kr