The unique Japanese cartoon style known as manga, with its exaggerated stylistic characters and vivid colors, has caught the attention of America. Now, with the advent of digital tools like Photoshop and Painter, manga artists have discovered new ways of bringing their artwork to life and onto the c[...]
Draw Fabulous Furries! Furries are so much fun to draw, people have been doing so for thousands of years. By crossing animal traits with human, you can create some fantastic characters with distinct personalities. The authors of Draw Furries bring you more of the best step-by-step lessons for creati[...]
Draw Fascinating Furries! There's so much to explore in the world of furries, from flamboyant costumes to spectacular hair styles to unforgettable expressions and poses--it's all here! The authors of Draw Furries and Draw More Furries have taken drawing these fantastical creatures to a whole other l[...]
How to Create Anthropomorphic and Fantasy Animal What do you get when you cross a human with a horse (or a hamster, or a hummingbird)? You get any one of a number of fun anthropomorphic animals, also known as "furries" to their friends. From facial expressions to creative coloring, this book contain[...]