Jane Eyre has enjoyed huge popularity since first publication, and its success owes much to its exceptional emotional power. Jane Eyre, a penniless orphan, is engaged as governess at Thornfield Hall by the mysterious Mr Rochester. Her integrity and independence are tested to the limit as their love [...]
Is the man I'm dating Mr. Darcy in disguise. . . or simply a jerk? It's been two centuries since Jane Austen penned "Pride & Prejudice" and her many other classic novels, yet her adroit observations on the social landscape and profound insights into human nature are as relevant now as they were in h[...]
Examining international case studies including USA, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Laurajane Smith identifies and explores the use of heritage throughout the world. Challenging the idea that heritage value is self-evident, and that things must be preserved because they have an inherent importance,[...]
This controversial book is a survey of how relationships between indigenous peoples and the archaeological establishment have got into difficulty, and a crucial pointer to how to move forward from this point. With lucid appraisals of key debates such as NAGPRA, Kennewick and the repatriation of Tasm[...]
Archaeology is meant to be an impartial science, concerned with seeking the truth about the past for the benefit of all humankind. But as the practices and values of archaeology have been enshrined in cultural resource management, they have also gradually become entwined with the apparatus of state [...]
'York Notes Advanced' offer an accessible approach to English Literature. This series has been completely updated to meet the needs of today's A-level and undergraduate students. Written by established literature experts, York Notes Advanced introduce students to more sophisticated analysis, a range[...]
At thirty-three, Lori Smith found herself falling short of her expectations: single, facing a difficult job, and sinking into something like depression. She needed a change - and she needed it now. In the absence of a Darcy, she made the bold move of leaving her job and country to travel through Jan[...]
Jane Austen has become our patron saint of romance, our goddess of happy endings. Her name is synonymous with romantic sighs, period costumes, and the ideal of what love should be. But if she could give us advice about life and love, what would she tell us? What would she make of Match.com, of our R[...]
Jane Austen has become our patron saint of romance, our goddess of happy endings. Her name is synonymous with romantic sighs, period costumes, and the ideal of what love should be. But if she could give us advice about life and love, what would she tell us? What would she make of Match.com, of our R[...]
Winner of an "AJN" Book of the Year Award for 2009
Rakkaus on hengenvaarallista -
Vampyyrisarjojen kulttiklassikko viimeinkin suomeksi
Suosittu Elena tapaa koulussa mystisen Stefanin ja tietää olevansa mennyttä. Kohtalokkaan rakkauden myötä paha hiipii Fell´s Churchin pikkukaupunkiin. Myös Stefanin kostonhaluinen veli Da[...]
Stefania syytetään salaperäisistä rikoksista, mutta Elena pitää rakkaansa puolta, vaikka joutuukin kaikkien hyljeksimäksi. Stefanin pitäisi paeta, mutta rakkaus Elenaa kohtaan pakottaa hänet jäämään.Vampyyripäiväkirjojen alkuperäinen trilogia julkaistiin Amerikassa jo 1991. Kuuma vam[...]
Vampyyriveljekset Stefan ja Damon alkavat taistella verissä päin kauniista Elenasta. Samalla rikosten sarja Fell's Churchissa jatkuu. Onko veritöiden takana jompikumpi veljeksistä?Vampyyripäiväkirjojen alkuperäinen trilogia julkaistiin Amerikassa jo 1991. Kuuma vampyyribuumi nosti kulttisarja[...]
Elena palaa Fell's Churchin pikkukaupunkiin veressään ainutlaatuisia voimia. Stefan katoaa yhtäkkiä ja Damon vakuuttelee Elenalle, että hän on tälle vampyyriveljeksistä se oikea.[...]
Elena on uhrannut henkensä Fell's Churchin sekä vampyyriveljesten pelastamiseksi. Vampyyripäiväkirjoja alkaa pitää hänen paras ystävänsä Bonnie, joka aavistaa, että jokin entistä pahempi voima uhkaa kaupunkia.[...]
Pahinta on pelätä omia tunteitaan. Elenan on nyt päätettävä, kumman veljeksistä hän oikeasti haluaa: vaarallisen Damonin vai Stefanin, vampyyrirakkaansa.[...]
Pimeimmänkin yön jälkeen tulee aamu. Stefan ja Elena yrittävät pelastaa ystävänsä helvetin kauhuista, mutta pahan lähde on lähempänä kuin voisi ikinä arvata.[...]
Focusing on children from infancy to adolescence, Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 7th Edition provides comprehensive, full-color coverage of pediatric conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. Its emphasis on evidence-based practice includes updated references, research[...]