* The unique perspective of this book comes from its comparative approach. It deals with material from 5 different countries, whereas the competition focuses purely on either the UK or US. * Includes coverage of every main media industry, including the music and advertising industries, which have b[...]
* The unique perspective of this book comes from its comparative approach. It deals with material from 5 different countries, whereas the competition focuses purely on either the UK or US. * Includes coverage of every main media industry, including the music and advertising industries, which have b[...]
Documentary is fast changing: with the digital revolution and the enormous increase in Internet usage, the range of information and outlets for distribution continues to become more diverse. In this context, are the traditional themes and frequently irreconcilable critical positions of study still v[...]
Describes the parental behavior of Emperor penguins, focusing on how the male keeps the egg warm until it hatches and how the parents care for the chick after it is born.[...]
In a cave in the woods,
in his deep, dark lair,
through the long, cold winter
sleeps a great brown bear.[...]
"The day before Christmas,
snuggled on his floor,
Bear sleeps soundly
with a great big snore...."
Bear's friends are determined to keep Bear awake for Christmas So they wake Bear up and have him help them find a Christmas tree, bake cakes, hang up stockings, and sing Christmas so[...]
When Bear isn't feeling well, his loyal and trustworthy friends stop by to help him to "get well soon" in this Classic Board Book.
Sweet Bear isn't feeling well at all. He is achy, sneezy, wheezy, and just plain sick He's in no shape to go outside to play. So Mole, Hare, Mouse, and the rest of [...]
Mouse is waiting by the river for her Special Friends. the clouds are drifting, the dragonflies are zipping by. Rabbit and Frog sit with Mouse while she waits. Turtle shares his picnic. It's a lovely, sunny day for waiting, but all too soon the day is almost over. Where are Mouse's Special Friends?[...]
Det er sengetid og lille Mo er ikke trøtt i det hele tatt. "Jeg vil ikke legge meg!" ler han, "Jeg vil leke!". "Men NOEN må legge seg," sier bestemor. "Kanskje JEG kan legge meg og DU kan være oppe?""Ja, ja, ja!" ler Mo. Men det å legge bestemor er mye hardere arbeid enn han tror...[...]
On nukkumaanmenoaika, mutta Peetua ei nukuta. Ei sitten tippaakaan. "En halua mennä nukkumaan!" hän kihertää. "Minä haluan leikkiä!"Mutta koska jonkun täytyy sentään mennä nukkumaan, mummu ilmoittautuu vapaaehtoiseksi niin että Peetu saa valvoa. Se on Peetusta hyvä idea! Mutta mummun nuk[...]
Suuri Amerikan-siirtolaisuus oli noin sata vuotta sitten valtava asia, kun Euroopasta siirtyi miljoonia ja Suomesta satojatuhansia ihmisiä Pohjois-Amerikkaan uutta elämää etsimään. Muutamasta tuli tunnettu jääkiekkoilija. Takakannen kuvien Albert Pudas oli ensimmäinen Suomessa syntynyt NHL-[...]