The definitive study of magical trance and possession techniques. The author is inspired by the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin.[...]
This is a manual of freestyle shamanism. The book aims to develop vision and imagination. It builds on the inspiration of such figures as Austin Spare and Aleister Crowley and stresses the need to develop one's unique magical way. It shows how magicians, witches, artists and therapists can improve t[...]
The runes are a pan-European magical language. Its roots lie in the ancient pagan beliefs of our ancestors, who built many thousands of stones circles, long barrows and dolmens throughout ancient Europe. These same symbols and techniques were used by the pagan Celts and Germans. This book is a compl[...]
Kali Kaula is a practical and experiential journey through the land of living magical art that is Tantra, guided by the incisive, inspired and multi-talented hands of Jan Fries.
By stripping away the fantasies and exploring the roots, flowers and fruits of Tantra, the author provides an [...]
Kali Kaula is a practical and experiential journey through the land of living magickal art that is Tantra, guided by the incisive, inspired and multi-talented hands of Jan Fries. By stripping away the fantasies and exploring the roots, flowers and fruits of Tantra, the author provides an outstanding[...]