With U.S. intelligence agencies wracked by internal power struggles and paralyzed by bureaucracy, the president was forced to establish his own clandestine group--Covert-One. It is activated only as a last resort, when the threat is on a global scale and time is running out.
With U.S. intelligence agencies wracked by internal power struggles and paralyzed by bureaucracy, the president was forced to establish his own clandestine group--Covert-One. It is activated only as a last resort, when the threat is on a global scale and time is running out.
With U.S. intelligence agencies wracked by internal power struggles and paralyzed by bureaucracy, the president was forced to establish his own clandestine group--Covert-One. It is activated only as a last resort, when the threat is on a global scale and time is running out.
Jon Smith is attending a W.H.O. conference in The Hague on infectious diseases and wakes in his hotel room to find a man aiming a gun at him. Smith neutralizes the shooter, and finds three pictures in the assassin's pocket: one of an unknown woman, one of Peter Howell, his friend and a former agent [...]
When Covert-One's top operative Jon Smith wakes in a hotel room, he's staring down the barrel of a gun. The area is under terrorist attack and within minutes, bombs explode right across the city. In this perfectly formulated chaos, criminal warlord Oman Dattar, held for crimes against humanity, esca[...]
Jon Smith is attending a W.H.O. conference in The Hague on infectious diseases and wakes in his hotel room to find a man aiming a gun at him. Smith neutralizes the shooter, and finds three pictures in the assassin's pocket: one of an unknown woman, one of Peter Howell, his friend and a former agent [...]
On one evening in Washington, DC, several high-ranking members of government disappear in a mass kidnapping. Among the kidnapped is Nick Rendel, a computer software coding expert in charge of drone programming and strategy. He is the victim with the most dangerous knowledge, including confidential p[...]
On one evening in Washington, DC, several high-ranking members of government disappear in a mass kidnapping. Among the kidnapped is Nick Rendel, a computer software coding expert in charge of drone programming and strategy. He is the victim with the most dangerous knowledge, including confidential p[...]
Tämän kirjan on International Thriller Awards (ITW) valinnut vuoden 2010 parhaaksi esikoisteokseksi! Kosmetiikkayhtiön kemisti Emma Caldridge on matkalla Miamista Bofotaán, kun lentokone kaapataan ja se putoaa vuoristoon Venezuelan rajan lähistölle. Emma selviytyy onnettomuudesta ehjin nahoin,[...]
Emma Caldridge juoksee 56 km:n kohdalla 80 km:n Comraden ultramaratonia Etelä-Afrikassa, kun tienvarsipommi räjähtää. Pökerryksissään hän havahtuu, kun tuntematon mies seisoo hänen vieressään valkoinen injektioruisku kädessään. Emma tuntee neulan piston ja aineen ihonsa alla ja ennen [...]