Aspergerin syndrooma ja autismi -teoksessa johtavat psykologit antavat keinoja toimia lasten kanssa, joilla voi olla samaan aikaan erityislahjakkuuksia ja vaikeuksia sosiaalisessa kanssakäymisessä. Olipa lapsella sitten epätavallisia kiinnostuksen kohteita, tavanomaisesta poikkeavaa käytöstä -[...]
Completely revised with the latest research and clinical strategies, this is the authoritative volume on Asperger syndrome (now part of DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder). Considered the definitive reference since its initial publication, the book focuses on how to assess each child or adolescent's nee[...]
Packed with real-life stories and everyday problem-solving ideas, this book has given many tens of thousands of parents the facts they need about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome. The authors are leading experts who describe ways to work with these kids' u[...]
The research on children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is extensive and growing. Although these conditions are recognized as affecting the entire lifespan, the literature on ASD after childhood is limited and has not been brought together in a single volume in over a decade. Adolescents and [...]