Written in A to Z format and printed on guaranteed un-recycled paper made from the pulp of a thousand rare hardwood trees using nothing but the purest cruel-harvested baby squid ink, "The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism" is your pocket guide to everything that's wrong, funny, and downright crazy ab[...]
The shocking story of how an unholy mix of junk science, green hype, corporate greed and political opportunism led to the biggest - and most expensive - outbreak of mass hysteria in history. Watermelons explains the Climategate scandal, the cast of characters involved, their motives and methods.[...]
If global warming isn't real then how come the ice caps are melting? Why would all the world's top scientists lie to us? What exactly is so wrong with biofuels, wind farms, carbon taxes, sustainability and preserving scarce resources for future generations? And what about Bangladesh, the drowning Ma[...]
Do you believe we should bomb our economy back to the dark ages? Carpet our beautiful countryside with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes? Indoctrinate our kids with scary North Korea-style propaganda nonsense in order to deal with the alleged perils of 'climate change'? Neither does James De[...]