This groundbreaking book from the UK's leading spokesman on nutrition looks at why millions of people have cravings for substances such as coffee, sugar and alcohol, as well to drugs such as sleeping pills, antidepressants, marijuana and cocaine. It uncovers how the brain becomes addicted and how it[...]
Your homocysteine level is the single most important statistic you need to know in order to determine how healthy you are and how long you will live. Your 'H level' is now widely understood to be a greater risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol. Homocysteine expert Dr James Braly has shown t[...]
Food allergies and intolerances are on the increase. They are frequently the cause of many common health problems that simply won't go away. But there are things we can do to deal with food allergies and intolerances. This book will help if you feel you may be intolerant to a food, find it impossibl[...]
Dangerous Grains turns the U.S. Food Guide Pyramid upside down by exposing the myriad health risks posed by gluten grains (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, and triticale). The authors, leading experts in the field of food allergies, and celiac disease, present compelling evidence that our grain-cen[...]
Boken inneholder en beskrivelse av de vanligste typene matvareallergier og -intoleranser, og hvilke symptomer de kan gi. Videre får man vite hvordan man kan finne ut hvilken mat kroppen reagerer på, og hvordan man går frem for å eliminere denne matvaren fra kostholdet. Forfatterne gir også en o[...]
Onko sinulla syömishimoa ja jos on, mitä ruokia himoitset? Tai tunnetko aterioiden jälkeen turvotusta ja epämukavaa oloa? Kouristaako vatsaasi? Onko sinun höllennettävä vyötä? Onko sinulla outoja tai riippuvuutta aiheuttavia reaktioita alkoholia kohtaan? Oletko ahdistunut tai masentunut? Tu[...]