That the average adult spends 50 to 70 percent of their day sitting is no surprise to anyone who works in an office environment. But few realize the health consequences they are suffering as a result of modernity's increasingly sedentary lifestyle, or the effects it has had on society at large. In G[...]
Batuk är en flicka som sålts av sin far till en bordell i Mumbai. Där lever hon tillsammans med andra barn vars vardag är att betjäna bordellens kunder. Mellan barnen uppstår en hjärtskärande vänskap som hjälper dem genom deras vidriga tillvaro.
Den blå dagboken är en beröra[...]
?Political economy? has been the term used for the past 300 years to express the interrelationship between the political and economic affairs of the state. In Theories of Political Economy, James A. Caporaso and David P. Levine explore some of the more important frameworks for understanding the rela[...]