In 1244, the brilliant poet Rumi and the wandering dervish Shams of Tabriz met and immediately fell into a deep spiritual connection. The Glance taps a major, yet little explored theme in Rumi's poetry-the mystical experience that occurs in the meeting of the eyes of the lover and the beloved, paren[...]
MawlanaJalal al-Din Rumi's poem, the Mathnawi, is one of the best known and most influential works of Muslim mysticism. Nicholson's critical edition is based on the oldest known manuscript, including the earliest, dated 1278, and preserved in the Mawlana Museum at Qonya.[...]
MawlanaJalal al-Din Rumi's poem, the Mathnawi, is one of the best known and most influential works of Muslim mysticism. Nicholson's critical edition is based on the oldest known manuscript, including the earliest, dated 1278, and preserved in the Mawlana Museum at Qonya.[...]
Jalaluddin ar-Rumi (1207- 1273), poeten och mystikern, levde i södra centrala Anatolien (Konya, Turkiet). Han skrev på persiska. Denna samling innehåller Coleman Barks pågående arbete med Rumis mästerverk om sex volymer, Mesnawi. Här ingår också de ökända ?latinska delarna? som Reynold Ni[...]