"Extraordinary...Film of the year". ("Sleazenation"). "Magnificently bizarre...Wonderful". ("Empire"). "Unlike anything you'll have seen before...Honestly mind-blowing". (BBC Radio 1). "Stunning...Totally original". (Time Out). "Dazzling...Demands a second viewing". ("Total Film"). The critical and [...]
When Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Productions unite to create a movie, the result is bound to be epic, magical, and full of adventure. In "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time," Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal ("Brokeback Mountain, Rendition, Zodiac, Jarhead, Donnie Darko") stars [...]
F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic American novel of the Roaring Twenties is beloved by generations of readers and stands as his crowning work. This new audio edition, authorized by the Fitzgerald estate, is narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain). Gyllenhaal's performance [...]
F. Scott Fitzgerald s classic American novel of the Roaring Twenties is beloved by generations of readers and stands as his crowning work. This audio edition, authorized by the Fitzgerald estate, is narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal ("Brokeback Mountain"). Gyllenhaal's performance is[...]
F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic American novel of the Roaring Twenties is beloved by generations of readers and stands as his crowning work. This new audio edition, authorized by the Fitzgerald estate, is narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain). Gyllenhaal's performance [...]