On the shore of the Eastern Sea, in a cold stone fortress, a stoat named Badrang holds dozens of innocent creatures as slaves, part of his scheme to build an empire where he will rule as unquestioned tyrant. Among those slaves is a mouse named Martin who has a warrior's heart and a burning desire fo[...]
Read by the author and a full cast
10 hours 4 minutes, 8 cassettes
A shadow has fallen on the shore of the Eastern sea, a shadow called Marshank. In this cold stone fortress a stoat named Badrang holds dozens of innocent creatures as slaves, part of his scheme to build an empir[...]
At least three of director Jacques Tourneur's films--Cat People, I Walked with a Zombie and The Leopard Man--are recognized as horror classics. Yet his contributions to these films are often minimized by scholars, with most of the credit going to the films' producer, Val Lewton.[...]
Midt på 1700-tallet, da forfattere og filosofer, særlig i Frankrike, hyllet vitenskapen, fremskrittet og troen på mennesket, oppnådde den ambisiøse Jean-Jacques Rousseau verdensomspennende berømmelse ved å hevde at fremskrittet er fordervende og at det er det menneskelige samkvem i seg selv s[...]
Handlingen i Alix er henlagt til tiden omkring år 50 f.Kr. Til hjælp i sit forsøg på at bekæmpe Parterne og skabe fred i det romerske kejserrige har feltherren Crassus blandt andet en afdeling gallere, Alouette-legionen, der forgæves søger at vinde kampen. I nederlagets time flygter høvdinge[...]
Planer, hvilket Cæsar naturligvis er taknemmelig for. Alix bliver adopteret af en patricierfamilie i Rom og nyder Cæsars gunst.[...]
Kun Caesar rauhoitti Galliaa, niin toisaalla Rooman puolesta taisteli joukko gallialaisia palkkasotilaita. Nämä osoittautuivat erinomaisiksi ratsumiehiksi, joten idän armeijan komentaja triumviri Crassus kokosi heistä VII legioonan. Sitten tuli Carrhaen taistelu.Murskaavan tappion jälkeen Rooma[...]
Kun Aleksanteri Suuri valloitti Egyptin, hän kaatoi faraon ja uskoi vallan kenraali Ptolemaiokselle. Mutta jotkut prinssit pakenivat Niiliä ylös kannattajiensa kanssa. He perustivat etelään kilpailevan kuningaskunnan, jota hallitsi suuri Rames Menkara.Roomassa olevat Isiksen papit tunnistavat E[...]
Alix ja Enak ovat päätyneet myyntiartikkeleiksi Pireuksen orjatorille. Ahne kauppias esittelee foinikialaisilta ostamansa pojat Attikan hienostuneelle ja asiantuntevalle asiakaskunnalle.Paikalle ilmestyy rikas ja salaperäinen ostaja, joka sitoo kaksikon vaununsa perään ja lähtee vetämään he[...]
First published in 1990 as the second part of volume 50 of Heidegger's Complete Works, Introduction to Philosophy presents Heidegger's final lecture course given at the University of Freiburg in 1944 before he was drafted into the German army. While the lecture is incomplete, Heidegger provides a cl[...]
Soon China will rule the world. But in doing so, it will not become more 'Western'. Martin Jacques' groundbreaking book overturns conventional thinking about the ascendancy of China, showing how its impact will not just be economic, but cultural. As China's powerful civilization reasserts itself, it[...]
Greatly revised and expanded, with a new afterword, this update to Martin Jacques's global bestseller is an essential guide to understanding a world increasingly shaped by Chinese powerSoon, China will rule the world. But in doing so, it will not become more Western. Since the first publication of "[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
How China's ascendance as an economic superpower will alter the cultural, political, social, and ethnic balance of global power in the twenty-first century, unseating the West and in the process creating a whole new world
According to even the most conservative estimates, China will overtake th[...]