Earth has been conquered by an alien race known as the Assembly. The human adult population is gone, having succumbed to the Tone - a powerful, telekinetic super-signal broadcast across the planet, which has reduced them to a state of complete subservience. But the tone has one critical flaw. It onl[...]
The sci-fi tour de force series set in an alien-invaded post-apocalyptic world concludes as the teens must unite Earth's disparate survivors to overthrow its alien invaders once and for all. Earth has been conquered by an alien race known as the Assembly. The human adult population is gone, having s[...]
Everyone knows that Poe created the detective genre, but did you know he was a detective himself?
Everyone knows that Poe created the detective genre, but did you know he was a detective himself? Finally the secret can be revealed for the first time Enter the world of POE and follow the famous [...]