The cool beauty of the North, Finland, is the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. It raises increasing interest around the world. People come to Finland, not only to admire the beautiful scenery, but also to trade, train, and work. In addition to natural peace, in Finland you can [...]
Helsinki, Daughter of the Baltic Sea, is an exceptional city in many ways. It is a modern metropolis with all the characteristics of a big city - thriving business and culture, and an international atmosphere - while maintaining a peaceful and close to nature small-town spirit. The visitor getting a[...]
Hiljaisuuden Helsinki etsii pääkaupungin rannoilta, sisäpihoilta ja sivukaduilta hiljentymisen ja sisäisen rauhan maisemia. Hyvä hetki on istahtaminen portaalle kesken matkan tai kulku pienen puiston poikki. Kaisa Raittilan hitaista kaupunkikävelyistä syntyi oivaltavien tekstien kokoelma, jos[...]
Turku is one of the most charming cities on the Baltic Sea coast. The city has an impressive history: in the Middle Ages, Turku was the centre of the eastern parts of the Kingdom of Sweden, then the capital of Autonomic Finland under Tsarist Russia. Historic universities, a bustling port, and divers[...]